location, location, location! (again)

location-aware phones and apps now deliver the hidden information that lets users make connections and interact with the world in ways they never imagined. The future is here and it's in your pocket.
social networks of the future - your Car
Linkedin integrates with IBM’s Lotus

5 Ways the Cellphone Will Change How You Listen to Music

"The portable music revolution has only been with us for a few years, but we may already be on the cusp of the another paradigm shift: With smartphones"
Marketing in 2009 (free eBook)

netbook effect is starting to be measured (part II)

By the midpoint of this year we'll be able to assess the damage the Netbook craze has done to traditional notebook revenues.
future of mobile mktg - location, location, location!

info by "the register". worth to read:
dell on twiter - innovating web mktg
hi-tech @ retail store

um filão a ser descoberto
Consumer Use: Users can download the free Microsoft Tag reader application to their Internet-capable mobile device with camera, launch the reader and read a tag using their phone’s camera. Depending on the scenario, this triggers the intended content to be displayed, data to be integrated, e-mail to be sent and so on.Publisher Use: Microsoft Tag helps publishers connect with customers in new ways and gives access to analytics that can inform marketing strategies. With Microsoft Tag, marketers can create unique brand experiences and enable more effective and efficient decisions about marketing spending, in ways that include the following:
o Broad applicability of the Microsoft Tag solution. Microsoft Tag can link to multiple content types, including the Web, vCards, SMS, e-mail, calendars, mapping, social applications, coupons and promotions.
o Create viral buzz. Content exposed to the customer through the use of Microsoft Tag can be shared easily with others.
o Analytics. Microsoft Tag allows publishers to see which tags are being read when and where, with detailed impression activity via the Microsoft Tag campaign management site at http://www.microsoft.com/tag.
o Size. Artwork can be as small as a 5/8-inch square, no matter what content the tag links to.
o Reliability. Publishers can feel confident that Microsoft Tag has implemented a technology that gives a dependable lock and decode rate.
mobile video - the next app to go mainstream?

“In 2008 marketers spent a lot of time looking at mobile apps and the mobile Web. Mobile video will be more important this year than last.”
“Mobile video is still overall too expensive for subscribers.What we outline in this study is that the cost must go down while at the same time it is key to make more content available.”
os 7 trabalhos do (outro) Steve

what Robert Scoble expects from Balmer's keynote at CES:
1. Introduce Windows 7 to us and make it seem a LOT cooler than Vista. Not a hard job, for sure, but he needs to nail it. This is job #1 for him this year.
2. Assure its partners that people will buy computers and its mobile phones in 2009. Next week I’ll be walking around with executives from Best Buy to find out if what Steve said resonated. BestBuy and other retailers are feeling tons of pain right now due to the economic downturn. Can Ballmer offer them any hope?
3. Demonstrate how Microsoft is pushing into new markets. It’s rumored to be bringing out a new version of Sync for automobiles at CES, for instance.
4. Explain why Microsoft Office is still the tool for workers to use, even going into 2010. In a year where entire ecosystems and Google and Salesforce and other companies are gunning for Microsoft (Adobe and Cisco are expected to make announcements for office workers in the next few years). Microsoft is being pressured for both price and functionality. Will Office 14 resonate? A lot will have to do with Ballmer’s big moment.
5. Explain how Microsoft will remain relevant to the living room. At the IFA show (Europe’s Consumer Electronics Show in Berlin) last year I was at the Panasonic press conference where they showed off Google’s YouTube running on one of their 50-inch screens. That is not a good trend for Microsoft who hopes to be able to bring its services into the living room.
6. Show how Microsoft will stay on the mobile leader’s table. Right now they are threatened with being kicked off by Apple, RIM, and Nokia to make room for upstart Google. What Ballmer says and shows next week will determine whether Microsoft has a decent position in 2010 or is seen as a has been.
7. Excite developers. Not just the ones who were using Visual Basic back in 1993, either. They need to get developers to switch their attention from Facebook and iPhone and the web and back to its stuff. Can Ballmer do it? It’ll take a lot more than dancing around on the stage screaming "developers, developers"
Netbook effect is starting to be measured

# what we allready knew: netbook concept is not fiting customer expectations (assuming he's buying a mini-cheap-notebook)
o melhor viral de 2008

e-Book: The Best & Worst of the Mobile Web. A panel of top mobile marketers share their winners and sinners
Will the mobile phone really eat the PC?
Cisco reforça social networking
Novo livro David Allen

Eight business technology trends to watch
Estudo da McKinsey aponta 8 tendências tecnológicas que prometem revolucionar a forma de gerir negócios, talento e inovação nas empresas.
Managing relationships
Managing capital and assets
Expanding the frontiers of automation; Unbundling production from delivery
Leveraging information in new ways
Putting more science into management; Making businesses from information